Size H: 24 in W: 18 in D: 12 in Acrylic on shaped canvas, copper trim.
Size H: 33 in W: 10 in D: 8 in Ebonized and bleached Maple. When I work abstractly, I
Size H: 33 in W: 18 in D: 10 in Ebonized Poplar and bleached Maple. Nearly 70 bleached Maple
Size H: 30 in W: 72 in D: 96 in Spira shows my understanding and continued affinity for contemporary
Size H: 24 in W: 12 in D: 8 in Maple, Cherry and copper.
Size H: 22 in W: 10 in D: 7 in Laminated and carved Cherry with iridescent white acrylic on